Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Second Draft ~ Completion

Finally, the second draft is completed. I can stretch my limbs and rest my mind until the third, and hopefully final, draft. I think I will approach the third draft a little differently. I plan on locking myself in my room each night, the laptop across my legs, and reading from the perspective as reader alone, not also the creator. I feel that approaching a piece, as the writer, from many perspectives really helps to round it out a little better. Viewpoints and all of that.

Yesterday was beautiful! Spring is underway, hopefully she can break from the clutches of winter by the weekend. What better time for a break than my second favorite season? So many things are coming to look forward to. I was reading through my resolutions and am happily startled that I have kept up with the majority of them. That is a first for me.

Sometimes I feel like I am ready to pass out or lock myself in a steaming tub with a glass of wine but once I can relax at night and I know I gave my best in every way that I could- I feel damn good.

I hope you can all say the same, loves.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

For Your Amusement

This post won't be much but hopefully it will be plenty entertaining.

This is me- a little 70's-ish but still. I always have bits of paper with ideas jotted on them. For once I was passing the laptop when I got one. I don't bother to take a seat, I just hover while I type it out. :)

And this is me on edits.This here was a nice taste of frustration.

Much love
