Thursday, April 7, 2011

A post on frustration

I just need a little venting. First my mind was working against itself and I couldn't get in a groove.

Then my glasses are bent and i'm out of contacts. Stage two of writers block: failing eyes.

Now- I am sick and running on no sleep.

It is one of the worst feelings ever. I get this feeling right in my veins, begging me to relieve it and WRITE.

Do I have skewed priorities? When I woke at 4...yes 4! I cleaned the kitchen, dining room, did dishes....all after making breakfast and coffee. Now I am hoping to nap while Koel does, a collossally rare event I try to not partake of too often.

Perhaps tonight. Tonight- we write. What about you?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Third Draft

I have decided tonight is the night. I've been thinking about book 2 and really getting excited about writing a few chapters. I'd like to have novel one completed first and hopefully it will go alot faster than the second draft did. I am elated that the excitement hasn't diminished!

I am starting a few new books, complete draft three before spring cleaning mid month, and of course all of this once my role as mother is fulfilled first. :) Enjoy my pretties.
