Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wasted Time?

It's so crazy what our minds can do when we have a little time to think. I have always been a cerebral person who happens to be ruled by her overly sensitive heart as well. Odd combination. I was really missing people yesterday, in light of what day it was. I kept thinking of how much wasted time I have on my hands. It's not really wasted exactly, I am entirely grateful for every single second with my son. It's just there are people in this world, still with me just not in the flesh, and I feel like all these hours that pass without them are wasted in comparison to being with those I love. Being without equaling waste in this example.

Like i've said with everything with my father, one day becomes now.

It's a strange sensation when time catches up with you.

I did do something productive with myself, prose-wise. I already have a spin off marketable book to go with the series that I haven't even submitted yet, let alone had published! lol I like to think big. I must say my soul is much lighter lately, that seems to happen when I give into my creative nature and really feed my soul. With these endevours I really need to bring it- it being myself.

Full force, unrelenting me, in all of my creative glory. No gloves- the gloves are off. Just these keys and myself. Or perhaps......a pen.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post!

Well, Winter Solstice I completed the first draft of this novel. So I suppose it is only fitting that I completed the 3rd draft today on the Summer Solstice! I'm averaging about 3 months per draft. The perfectionist in me has my cynical side rolling its eyes at the thought that it could be the final run through but we will see. I don't care how many months it takes, I cannot stop until I am happy with every last page.

I have been reading alot more lately. It feels good. I used to read several books a week, now i'm lucky if I make it through just one! The book I am reading is about life after death, obviously a subject that is heavily on my mind, and deals with astral travel as well. For the past few months I have been having the most vivid dreams, night after night, and always of the same person. Some say the dreamtime state is another existence where time isn't linear- past present and future all exist as one. And in dreams we can access this new layout of time. Who knows.

I also had my first ever attempt at an OBE. I have always been intimidated of them and the control freak inside of me never likes to relinquish control. It was pretty decent. The only downside is I haven't been able to attempt another one since. I did pay a visit to someone in my first attempt, if I was successful- you know who you are.

I must go now, the solstice is calling.
