Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wasted Time?

It's so crazy what our minds can do when we have a little time to think. I have always been a cerebral person who happens to be ruled by her overly sensitive heart as well. Odd combination. I was really missing people yesterday, in light of what day it was. I kept thinking of how much wasted time I have on my hands. It's not really wasted exactly, I am entirely grateful for every single second with my son. It's just there are people in this world, still with me just not in the flesh, and I feel like all these hours that pass without them are wasted in comparison to being with those I love. Being without equaling waste in this example.

Like i've said with everything with my father, one day becomes now.

It's a strange sensation when time catches up with you.

I did do something productive with myself, prose-wise. I already have a spin off marketable book to go with the series that I haven't even submitted yet, let alone had published! lol I like to think big. I must say my soul is much lighter lately, that seems to happen when I give into my creative nature and really feed my soul. With these endevours I really need to bring it- it being myself.

Full force, unrelenting me, in all of my creative glory. No gloves- the gloves are off. Just these keys and myself. Or perhaps......a pen.



  1. love it! and love the new look of your blog! when are you going to let me read some of your work?? ;)

  2. Ty:) I actually just wrote a few new pieces, poetry this time. I'd love to let you look at them. They're my first few in the past few years, I hadn't realized it was THAT long since I had done a few.
