Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Its so simple really.

Sometimes things happen in life that make you realize just how much you have grown and changed. I'm so glad that this time I can say I have done so for the better. I feel enlightened and sure and content. The world is never perfect nor is anyone in it, but in my perfect world I could just distance myself from all the negativity and drama. Who knew one day I would be that girl? lol It has been such a struggle to get where I am today, I have fallen down so many times but i'm strong and I have my pride and I stood up each time more tenacious than before.

I have to live my life my way, for myself. And def. for my son.

So now where to go? How to navigate these paths I find myself on. I'm not sure. But I do know I will attain my happiness. I have been through too much and risen above it to just throw it all away now. I will have the life I have always wanted, one way or another. I have always known down into my bones- things have a way of unfolding. 

You are on this journey. Embrace it, grow, learn, love. Enjoy the ride.


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