Friday, December 31, 2010

This day is the same as any other.

Here we are, the final nail in the coffin of 2010. I don't feel a desire to pump this coming year up with false claims of epic potential. Come on, how often does that pan out? Nor do I want to assume the worst or curse the hindsight that blurs visions of year's past together.

It is what it is, simple as that.

Some things will change, better or worse. Some things will be unwavering. I do have a few resolutions. To be perfectly honest- more than a few.

1. Get an agent
2. Publish novel one
3. Finish novel two
4. Keep being an amazing mother (I said amazing, not perfect. It's the strive.)
5. Get into even better shape than I accomplished in 2010
6. Stop running from your intuition
7. Remain firm (cryptic and all encompassing..... and for good reason)

I would love to hear your resolutions as well. We are off to get my hair done, it has been so long. New year, new pic of the hair...all to come.

Regardless of the tight rope I walk in regards to the celebratory nature of the day.....Happy New Year.


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