Thursday, January 13, 2011


Somewhere in the in between of 2-3 weeks final edits will be made. I'm nervous, excited, and impatient all at once. A peculiar feeling. I put so much of myself into this endevour. There were many points of overly emotional displays and me speaking to myself when I was proud of a certain tryst with the words. On more than one occassion I found myself exclaiming "That's so damn good." and doing a little jig I can only hope was cute in case anyone was secretly witness to it.

When I commit myself to something I do so wholeheartedly. And I can be like a plague that cannot be overcome. I told myself when I was letting the first draft sit I wasn't going to write anything at all, perhaps not even journaling. And that was the first thing to go and closely followed by the half finished first chapter of novel two. What was I supposed to do, that feeling propeling through my body wasn't something within my control. As so many factors of the heart never are. I must admit I am very proud of my restraint on novel one, I haven't flipped through so much as the cover page.

Enjoy my lovelies.


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