Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Two out of Four isn't so bad

So, yesterday I had another root canal appointment. Usually a root canal takes about three appointments but mine has been extended to four. They split the first visit into two so it was much the same as the first. And I have heard from people jokingly before that root canals are comparable to child birth. Well, I have done both and let me tell you- root canals are NOTHING like child birth. :)

Editing is coming along. Pretty much the same news there as usual. About to construct another chapter. I haven't been online or even on the computer really and it felt awesome. I think we get sucked into this little screen far too often and more likely than not it is nothing but a waste of time and drama filled, among many other things. When I sat and thought what my life was like at its best, it was much easier to point out what it didn't include than what it did. That might have been the key I needed.

And setting my sights on all of these changes I would like to make is coming along well. I haven't felt this good in a long time. Relieving myself of alot of old sources of strife was so liberating I couldn't stop smiling the past few days. I love making all of these memories with my family and cherishing the memories I have already made with people who deserve to be recalled. And as always nothing brings more fulfillment or smiles than being with my son. We have done nothing lately but enjoy alot of laughs, get alot accomplished, and alot of visiting family and friends.

So here I type, just living life my way by my choices. Surrounding myself only with those I love and only spending my time,tears, and smiles on them.

And it feels amazing.


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