Tuesday, July 26, 2011



I feel so good when I write. This is bliss.

While i'm letting Novel 1 sit until yet another read through, I have already begun a spin off. Yes, you have read correctly. Premature- def. Ambitious- let's hope so. Crazy- perhaps a touch!

The lead character is very creative, always writing and drawing and taking photographs. Etc. and what have you. I like to call this project a thinly veiled biography actually but back on point. So that has been the next project I have been undergoing, a little something to accompany the novels utilizing her creativity. You'll have to wait and see just what they entails.

 Of course it will be impossible to complete any time soon. Ideally this novel will begin a series of novels to follow. So the spin off project will be spanning each of them, if not the entire series. Of course, there could always be more than one, say if novel 1 grows into a 6 book series. I would probably split the content's midsection and have two such creations to fill out the series more thoroughly.

I also wrote some poetry. It had been years. Literally. No wonder my soul hated me. I almost let it run dry.

Til once again, lovelies.

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