Sunday, July 24, 2011

Moments in Time

My heart is heavy. With every passing day and every passing person it seems these parts of me leave with no chance of being again. People in our lives reside in these time capsules. Places, songs, movies, moments, ages, periods in the frozen memories of our time.

And when we lose someone it feels gone.

My heart aches for her. My heart aches even as it doesn't feel real. My heart aches for what has come and what still awaits me myself. And every memory brings tears but loss is the hardest on those left behind....I know he is soaring.

I miss you megan, if you're reading this. I wish I could ease your pain as simply as I used to. But this isn't then and this is no flesh wound. It's so hard to know what to say or do. Just know I love you.


1 comment:

  1. My heart is heavy too...But I'm glad you're in my life to help lighten that load. Know that when the time comes....I'm here for you!!! I love you, barbarella!!!!
