Sunday, August 7, 2011

Papa Joe

Well, today was not an easy day. We headed up to camp for a final remembrance. I got dropped off  and was the first there so it was nice to have a little alone time *with* him. Of course, I bawled like a little girl and ended up calling my dad. If you know me, this is no surprise on both counts. Many think i'm a snob or b*tch but i'm just as equally soft hearted, if not a bit more. And i'm not a snob, i'm just guarded. Not the point though. Then, megyn's family begins to arrive. Here I am, little weird girl sitting on a crumbling picnic table by myself in the woods, no vehicle or nothing, crying like I skinned my knees all to hell or something. My internal dialogue I believe was- sh*t sh*t sh*t.-as I hate crying in front of anyone.

Me: Hi. I'm megyn's friend. (sorry i'm making you uncomfortable seeing how you don't know me, im creepin in the woods alone, AND i'm crying.)
Her Uncle: What'd you do parachute in?

Phew. Sense of humor and ice broken. Every time I meet people in her family, I love them. To my surprise there was so much going on and so many people I got myself together, eventually. I didn't cry the rest of the day until I realized the day was over and what we had to do today was behind us. The finality did hit home again (yes Megyn I bawled again, you know how I do lol I can't help it)

So for awhile I was still gulping and my breath was still hitching when she got there, but I didn't get slapped! You see, if I had made Megyn cry she woulda pimp slapped me. lol That's not how they do. And she was so amazingly strong, she def. made him proud. Everyone spread his ashes together and it was beautiful up in the woods. We went back and all ate and spent time together. It was beautiful, one of those days in life that is so sad and yet so amazing.

Sometimes when people take others for granted or hurt people they claim to love, especially family...well I could give a million examples i'm sure- it makes me want to shake them and scream WAKE UP. Don't you realize what you're missing? What you're doing or throwing away? What you take for granted? Days like today and having a father who is so sick myself, I just want to be surrounded by those I love and who love me. No drama, no malice.  If we all spent more time thinking about what truly matters, how different would your time be spent? If you followed your heart, your soul, your gut. If you thought about your actions or your words before they leave your mouth. What if you thought of the other person as if it were you in their shoes?

I'm so proud of you Megyn. You're so much more than you know. I love you.


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