Sunday, January 16, 2011

5 days early is better than 5 days late

I caved. Slowly but surely.

Each day a little writing on novel two here, a little character refinement there. Little scratches of the pen on scraps of paper began littering my desk again. And the bed. The dining table. Anywhere I happened to be really. It became a full out cram session in the mid hours of the night going over what notes I have.

So, 5 days before intended shows remarkable restraint on my part if you know me well. Today I will begin my own edits to add among the two pages of notes already compiled. A few notes have been discarded or left for consideration but all in all I am excited to begin the next phase. A sincere thank you to my mother and megyn for their support. I can't remark on my mothers written input as I haven't seen it yet, but I really enjoyed our conversation over the phone. Hearing someone remark on the characters as *real* people set it further into my mind as a reality. I want to thank megyn for catching a few things I hadn't and telling me my inner voice had been right when I had turned in another direction. It was awesome that a few things that crept up for me she brought back to my attention. And especially thank you both for your enthusiasm and connection with the characters, your absorption into her world. I can't begin to describe how surreal the feeling is when I see the book mirrored back to me in such a way.

Well. The highlighter is in my peripheral vision and I can see the adorned binder to my left, waiting for me to submerge myself once more among her pages. But as the true nature of the devoted mother I see a beaming little face calling to me more. Who knew curling up on the floor with a few trains and a cup of coffee could be so appealing. Anything is worth those little arms tight around my neck and especially when the sound of his amazing laugh is ringing through the air.

Much love.


1 comment:

  1. i will be one of the first in line to buy your book, barb! ;) can't wait to read it!!
