Friday, January 14, 2011

A little more behind the scenes

I'm unsure if anyone else appreciates things like this but I like to know how a writer's process is, what is going on, and little inklings into their mind or what was happening at the time. Hence posting the playlist. I am struggling today to not only stay awake after a really late night, MEGYN, and not doing my second round of edits.

As a writer I have come to notice you either read the lines and feel the magic, feel that stirring YES as it leaps from your lips. Or you don't. Intuition, that gut feeling, whatever meaningless label you have set to that inner voice simply must be listened to.

To make a short story long that is what I intend to do. Follow their voices as they call to me through this ink.

I am type A, in fact i'm sure I may have been the inspiration for it. That's not entirely true. But really, I have concluded alot about my own process. I always begin by feeling something playing with my imagination, that little muse whose wings tickle my lobes as she flutters by my ear, whispering inspiration to me. And when she doesn't come water fills the void. My cure for writer's block is I always take a bath or shower and like the water the ideas simply flow. When I write I have music but when I do a read through I have silence. I read aloud in what I call my coffeehouse tease voice. I tried to use it for megyn on the phone but only got half way there, my pacing was off. I felt silly honestly.

And once that initial draft was done I said let your mind settle. I could feel the snap that was to come if i strained much further. So I gave myself a month to let it settle and go back when it was fresh in my mind. This notion I applied from reading Stephen Kings: On Writing. Even if you don't write, you simply can't miss out on this amazing book. But back on course. I also have my mother, husband, and best friend giving me their uncensored notes during this time. This is where we have now come along the winding process.

When I allow myself to curl around those pages once more, there is a process to be found within the process. I will be taking a highlighter before I use anyone's notes and going through every page as simply a reader and not a creator. This will be extremely difficult seeing how I all but bled over every line. I wanted to stay as true to catharsis as possible in this first novel and find more freedom to let them run free in those to follow. The only lines that will glow are the ones infused with magic, that have my inner voice calling yes!

In the aftermath it is my intention that any line not glowing a obnoxious yellow simply must be changed/altered. Obviously. And then I will sit with my notes in addition to the other three and go from there by comparison. I highly value the opinions I have sought, whether I agree with them or not, and I really hope each of them knows that.

I leave you with a few pictures of me hard at type. Much love.


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