Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It can only last until it ends

I've been editing novel one, including a possible title change, and I promise to fill all those holes in once things are more established. I'm only on Chapter 3. But I have been thinking about novel two simultaneously. I have far more questions than answers and it's causing a slowly forming cloud over my inner perception.

I openly admit this undertaking has been nothing short of Cathartic for me, hence the blog title. What music and family couldn't do, writing has always been able to soothe like a sort of therapy. We always have these people we wish we could be and I decided to give her a voice. I'm not trying to cast any pretenses, novel one has become this thinly veiled biography of some sort, at least partially. But as with life itself it never is as simple as that, complication is the unseen framework of our lives- written, lived, fabricated, or otherwise.

Besides i'm sure it will be alot of fun trying to guess which parts are based on memories and which are concoctions of the thin ether air. I don't know any piece of literature that isn't infused with the writer themselves, whether in character or story, to some degree. Isn't that the nature of creation- it has to arise from a certain point. Where is this point and what is it composed of?

And from my wanderings along this expanse I return to my former thoughts and have to wonder where it all will lead. Impossible for me to know or premeditate, the characters lead and I follow. I remarked the other day that as much as novel one is cathartic by nature, so will be the novels to follow as well just to a lesser degree. I see novel one as the foundation, the solidity, the emptying of my soul. And all novels to follow, well- who knows where they will bring us?



  1. very eloquently put!! i think a good bit of all authors (and their significant others) ends up on the page, don't you? we hide a bit of ourselves in a character's laugh or walk or fears. i always find that when i think a character has become too much like me - or someone i know - he or she tends to then veer off in a completely new direction - in one i've never been and didn't even see coming - stopping just short of becoming truly "biographical".

    i have never written anything near the length and depth of your recently completed novel and yet i do understand the therapeutic properties of writing in this way. it's there - it's real - it's on paper - and, most importantly, it's OUT of your head!! it's both freeing and frightening at the same exact time, leaving you standing on the edge of something that you've run a marathon to get to - *deep breath*!!

    none of us knows how it will all end (thankfully), but {sometimes} it sure is fun getting there, isn't it??

  2. **** i think a character has become too much like me - or someone i know - he or she tends to then veer off in a completely new direction - in one i've never been and didn't even see coming - stopping just short of becoming truly "biographical".***


    I've been writing and longing to be a writer for over a decade now. The only accomplishments I have are alot of projects that began with no ends and a few poems on from high school. I've stuck with it because nothing (before my son) maked me feel more alive, well,connected,happy, you get the point lol.

    I absolutely love your blog, your comments, and our conversations. Seriously, i'm such a hard person to get to open up but I wish I had resisted less,lol. I have a feeling we're kindred spirits:)

  3. maked***hahahah I wanna be a writer, maked me a writer. In my own defense- I did say makes originally, I only changed the s.

    To err is human, to forgive divine:)
