Sunday, January 23, 2011

If I had a moment of silence.

Well well well.

I was excited to post once again and then I really took a look at my edits and realized I am only two chapters farther. The word count has climbed and I am proddingly working my way through. To think I haven't even come to the point that will involve far more work, that will come in a few more chapters. As is the case with me consistently- I have also been scribbling notes and ideas and concepts for further novels, namely novel two.

It seems with everything I am juggling so far this year I only have time for my edits when i'm alone during nap times and have finished everything else. Which really isn't a good amount of real time to sink my teeth in anyhow. And then there is reliably right before bed, my witching hour when it comes to reading. Sadly after a long day I am lucky to make my way through three pages before I have to give in and turn out the light. Plus side is those three little pages have been completely engrossing. A very good sign indeed.

And so I call upon my muse, submerging my body into other bodies- of water that is. I have taken to locking myself upstairs in the tub, trying to edit without inflicting too much water damage on my precious pages. As you see by my progress it is becoming a long road. And to think we haven't even come to the winding one yet. Until next time, loves.


1 comment:

  1. you'll get there, barb ~ as with anything else worthwhile, it takes an excruciatingly long time to get there - and sometimes it's stressful and painful and almost ALWAYS cathartic.

    it is almost impossible to find time during the day that you can, in good conscience, devote entirely to yourself because you are a mommy ;).

    think how long this journey has been so far ~ how long it has taken you to get to where you are today ~ and just how far you've really come ~ you are dedicated and it WILL get done ;)
