Tuesday, July 26, 2011



I feel so good when I write. This is bliss.

While i'm letting Novel 1 sit until yet another read through, I have already begun a spin off. Yes, you have read correctly. Premature- def. Ambitious- let's hope so. Crazy- perhaps a touch!

The lead character is very creative, always writing and drawing and taking photographs. Etc. and what have you. I like to call this project a thinly veiled biography actually but back on point. So that has been the next project I have been undergoing, a little something to accompany the novels utilizing her creativity. You'll have to wait and see just what they entails.

 Of course it will be impossible to complete any time soon. Ideally this novel will begin a series of novels to follow. So the spin off project will be spanning each of them, if not the entire series. Of course, there could always be more than one, say if novel 1 grows into a 6 book series. I would probably split the content's midsection and have two such creations to fill out the series more thoroughly.

I also wrote some poetry. It had been years. Literally. No wonder my soul hated me. I almost let it run dry.

Til once again, lovelies.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Moments in Time

My heart is heavy. With every passing day and every passing person it seems these parts of me leave with no chance of being again. People in our lives reside in these time capsules. Places, songs, movies, moments, ages, periods in the frozen memories of our time.

And when we lose someone it feels gone.

My heart aches for her. My heart aches even as it doesn't feel real. My heart aches for what has come and what still awaits me myself. And every memory brings tears but loss is the hardest on those left behind....I know he is soaring.

I miss you megan, if you're reading this. I wish I could ease your pain as simply as I used to. But this isn't then and this is no flesh wound. It's so hard to know what to say or do. Just know I love you.


Monday, July 18, 2011

A Saturated Subconscious

I woke to a rumbling sky drenching everything in sheets of rain and I couldn't bring myself to go back to sleep and miss it. So here I am writing with some coffee. Ahhhhh bliss.

There is something about rain. I've always been in love with it. Sometimes when I hear it bounding off the street I have to go outside. My skin will start to feel a little drier until it begins to dance along me. My soul begins to feel a little more relief. I've been really working on connecting, being more grounded, simpler- happier. To really secure that center I once had. So I let each drop sink into my skin. With the passing time its been working.

My mother used to have to call me in during storms. I never wanted to be under cover when they began.

The more coated I became the less isolated I felt. I was more connected, more sure. A little more strength gained, a sliver of a peace of mind- a silent sigh of relief from my core. I hope those sweet drops soaked through my skin to every last ounce of me. Tanglible or not.

So of course I came inside and began thinking. I've been worried that i've developed a detachment. An indifference. Feelings that were new to someone like me, well to that level at least. Then I realized it's not that at all. Maybe I have grown past the angst, finally, that once infused my daily life. Perhaps i've grown to have a handle on my depression. Grown past the severe attachments and involvements. Who knows where it could develop from here. It may just be a temporary layover of balance that I really needed to gain this amazing sense of calm I now have. That one illusive goal that has always been beyond me until now.

To just be. In and of itself.

But it's always much more. This state of only being, a conundrum within itself. Once you realize you really can just be, it opens into possibilities, it blossoms into taking form. Complexity after the simplicity. Yes. I want to just be. But over passing suns the restlessness of my nature will begin, the thirst, the drive. And I will want something more once again.

To be myself, to retain this ground, this center. Blissful, secure, calm. Zen. Or as close as someone who is neurotic can be. And ecstatically so.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Undertow

I was literally just questioning myself yesterday. But this morning the mystic namelessness that always points us to little signs, little snips of wisdom, gave me the missing piece I needed to be sure.

I love the undertow.

Tomorrow is the 4th, I'm heavily in love with my family and friends, we have two full days of celebration, and I still have my father, who gave so much more than i'll ever know as a proud marine in Vietnam. I am truly blessed and thankful.
